Luther's Writings (Primary Sources)
A Commentary on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians By Martin Luther, Erasmus Middleton
Edition: 3 Published by Printed for B. Blake, 1833 Original from the Complutense University of Madrid
A Manual of the Books of Psalms (tr. Henry Cole, 1837)
An Open Letter on Translating (1530)
Commentary on Galatians (1535; translated by Theodore Graebner, 1949)
A Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians, Martin Luther, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Tischer, Samuel Simon Schmucker (1860)

Bondage of the Will(Henry Cole Translation,1823)
Bondage of the Will(Edward Thomas Vaughan Translation,1823)
Martin Luther on the Bondage of the Will: Written in Answer to the Diatribe of Erasmus on Free-will. First Pub. in the Year of Our Lord 1525 By Martin Luther, Henry Cole Translated by Henry Cole Published by Printed by T. Bensley for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 1823 Original from Oxford University
Concerning Christian Liberty By Martin Luther Published by Plain Label Books ISBN 1603030883, 9781603030885
Concerning Christian Liberty (1520: Parts One / Two / Three)
Disputation on the Divinity and Humanity of Christ (1540; tr. Christopher B. Brown)
Large Catechism (translated by F. Bente and W. H. T. Dau, 1921)
Luther's German Bible
Luther on the Sacraments, Or, The Distinctive Doctrines of the Evang. Lutheran Church, Respecting Baptism and the Lord's Supper: Containing a Sermon on Baptism, a Letter on Anabaptism, and His Larger Confessions on the Lord's Supper By Martin Luther, Ambrose Henkel Published by Henkel, 1853 Original from Harvard University
Luther's Two Catechisms Explained by Himself: In Six Classic Writings, John Nicholas Lenker (1908)
Martin Luther's Large Catechism, translated by Bente and Dau - Luther, Martin, 1483-1546Book from Project Gutenberg: Martin Luther's Large Catechism, translated by Bente and Dau Library
Martin Luther's Small Catechism, translated by R. Smith - Luther, Martin, 1483-1546Book from Project Gutenberg: Martin Luther's Small Catechism, translated by R. Smith
Martin Luther's Spiritual Songs - Martin Luther , Richard Massie
Martin Luther's Authority of councils and churches, tr. by C.B. Smyth By Martin Luther Translated by Charles Bohun Smyth Published 1847 Original from Oxford University
Martin Luther's 95 Theses - Luther, Martin, 1483-1546Book from Project Gutenberg: Martin Luther's 95 Theses Library of Congress Classification
Martinus Lutherus contra Henricum Regem Angliæ Martin Luther against Henry King of England translated by the Rev. E. S. Buchanan, M.A., B.Sc. New York: Charles A. Swift, 1928.
Open Letter to the German Nobility (1520; tr. C.M. Jacobs, 1915)
Preface to the Book of Romans (1522)
Smalcald Articles (1537)
Small Catechism (translated by Robert E. Smith, 1999)
Temporal Authority: To What Extent Shall it Be Obeyed (1523)(alternate link)
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (1520; tr. Albert T.W. Steinhaeuser, 1915)
The German Mass and Order of Divine Service (1526)
The Life of Luther Written By Himself (M. Michelet, 1904)
The prefaces to the early editions of Martin Luther's Bible (tr. by sir G. Duckett) ed. by T.A. Readwin By Martin Luther Translated by George Duckett Published 1863 Original from Oxford University
The Small Catechism of Martin Luther - Luther, Martin, 1483-1546Book from Project Gutenberg
Words that Shook the World: Or, Martin Luther His Own Biographer, Charles Adams (1858)
Luther's Letters
Luther's Correspondence and Other Contemporary Letters Vol 1 By Martin Luther, Preserved Smith, Charles Michael Jacobs Published by Lutheran Publication Society, 1913
Item notes: v. 1
Luther's correspondence and other contemporary letters Vol 2 By Martin Luther, Preserved Smith, Charles Michael Jacobs Published by Lutheran Publication Society, 1918 Item notes: v. 2
Luther's Correspondence and Other Contemporary Letters Vol. 2 by Preserved Smith
Luther's Letters to Women - Martin Luther, Karl Zimmermann, Georgiana Malcolm
Luther: Letters of Spiritual Counsel By Martin Luther, T. G. Tappert Translated by T. G. Tappert Published by Regent College Publishing, 2003 ISBN 1573830925, 9781573830928
Martin Luther's Letters (1908 Margaret Currie Edition)
The letters of Martin Luther ; - Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
The Letters of Martin Luther By Martin Luther Published by Macmillan, 1908 Original from Harvard University
The letters of Martin Luther ; - Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
The Life and Letters of Martin Luther By Preserved Smith

A Selection of the Most Celebrated Sermons of Martin Luther A Selection of the Most Celebrated Sermons of Martin Luther ... (Never Before Published in the United States) To which is Prefixed, a Biographical History of His Life: (Never Before Published in the United States.) To which is Prefixed, a Biographical History of His Life By Martin Luther Published by S. & D.A. Forbes, 1830
A selection of the most celebrated sermons of M. Luther and J. Calvin ...: (Never before published in the United States.) To which is prefixed, a biographical history of their lives By Martin Luther, Jean Calvin Published by Comp. and pub. by R. Bentley, 1829
Sermons of Martin Luther
How Christians Should Regard Moses, Sermon By Martin Luther August 27, 1525
How Christians Should Regard Moses, Sermon by Martin Luther August 27, 1525
How Christians Should Regard Moses 1525
Dr. Martin Luther's House-Postil vol. 2: or, Sermons on the gospels for the Sundays and principal festivals of the church-year By Martin Luther Edition: 2 Published by J.A. Schulze, 1884
Luther's Christmas Sermons: Epistles By Martin Luther Translated by John Nicholas Lenker Published by Luther Press, 1908 Original from Harvard University
Sermons of Martin Luther: The Church Postils By Martin Luther, InteLex Corporation
Published by Forgotten Books
Sermons on the Passion of Christ By Martin Luther Sermons on the Passion of Christ: by Martin Luther By Martin Luther, Duke University. Library. Jantz Collection. German Americana
Published by Lutheran Augustana Book Concern, 1871 Original from Harvard University
Standard edition of Luther's works Vol. 1 By Martin Luther, John Nicholas Lenker, Johann Georg Walch, Johann Bugenhagen Published by Lutherans in All Lands, 1903 Item notes: v. 1

Conversation With Luther (Selections From Recently Published Sources of the Tabletalk) by Preserved Smith
Conversations with Luther: Selections from Recently Published Sources of the Table Talk By Martin Luther, Preserved Smith, Herbert Percival Gallinger Published by The Pilgrim press, 1915 Original from the University of California
Luther's Table Talk: A Critical Study By Preserved Smith Published by The Columbia University Press, 1907 Item notes: nos. 68-71 Original from Harvard University
Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther - Luther, Martin, 1483-1546Book from Project Gutenberg: Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther
The Tabletalk (John Aurifaber Collection)
The Table Talk Luther's table talk: or, Some choice fragments from the familiar discourse of that godly man By Martin Luther Published by Longman & Co., 1832 Original from Oxford University
The Table Talk Or Familiar Discourse of Martin Luther By Martin Luther, William HazlittT ranslated by William Hazlitt Published by D. Bogue, 1848 Original from Oxford University
The table talk of Martin Luther By Martin Luther, William Hazlitt, Alexander Chalmers
Published by H. G. Bohn, 1857 Original from the New York Public Library
The table talk of Martin Luther By Martin Luther, William Hazlitt, Alexander Chalmers
Published by G. Bell, 1875 Original from Harvard University
Table-Talk (Selections: translated by Henry Bell, 1650)
Table-Talk (translated by William Hazlitt)
Luther's Works
Luther's Primary Works (Henry Wace, 1896)
Luther's Works (limited previews from the 55 volume English edition)
Volume 1: Lectures on Genesis Chapters 1-5 (1958)
Volume 3: Lectures On Genesis Chapters 15-20 (1961)
Volume 9: Lectures On Deuteronomy (1960)
Volume 12: Selected Psalms I (1955)
Volume 13: Selected Psalms II (1956)
Volume 31: Career Of The Reformer I (1957)
Volume 36: Word And Sacrament II (1959)
Volume 40: Church And Ministry II (1958)
Volume 51: Sermons I (1959)
Companion Volume: Luther The Expositor, Jaroslav Pelikan (1959)
Select Works of Martin Luther: An Offering to the Church of God in "the Last days"(vol.1) (Translated by HenryCole (Published by W. Simpkinand R. Marshall and sold by J. Eedes, 1826) (plain text)
Select works of Martin Luther: an offering to the church of God in "the last days (vol 1)" ...
By Martin Luther, Henry P. Cole Published by Printed for the author by T. Bensley, 1826 Item notes: v. 1 Original from the New York Public Library
select works of martin luther an offering to the church of god vol. 1 Published 1824 Original from Harvard University
Select Works of Martin Luther: An Offering to the Church of God in "the Last days"(vol.2) (Translated by HenryCole (Published by W. Simpkinand R. Marshall and sold by J. Eedes, 1826) (plain text)
select works of martin luther vol. IV Published 1826 Original from Harvard University
Standard edition of Luther's works Vol. 1 By Martin Luther, John Nicholas Lenker, Johann Georg Walch, Johann Bugenhagen Published by Lutherans in All Lands, 1903 Item notes: v. 1
The precious and sacred writings of Martin Luther ... based on the Kaiser chronological edition, with references to the Erlangen and Walch editions; (Volume 7)
The precious and sacred writings of Martin Luther ... based on the Kaiser chronological edition, with references to the Erlangen and Walch editions; (Volume 8)
The precious and sacred writings of Martin Luther ... based on the Kaiser chronological edition, with references to the Erlangen and Walch editions; (Volume 9)
The precious and sacred writings of Martin Luther ... based on the Kaiser chronological edition, with references to the Erlangen and Walch editions; (Volume 12)
The precious and sacred writings of Martin Luther ... based on the Kaiser chronological edition, with references to the Erlangen and Walch editions; (Volume 13)
The precious and sacred writings of Martin Luther ... based on the Kaiser chronological edition, with references to the Erlangen and Walch editions; (Volume 14)
Works of Martin Luther Vol. 1: With Introduction and Notes ... By Martin Luther, Henry Eyster Jacobs, Adolph Spaeth Published by A. J. Holman company, 1915 Item notes: v. 1
Works of Martin Luther: With Introductions and Notes - Martin Luther, Henry Eyster Jacobs, Adolph Spaeth
Works of Martin Luther, with introductions and notes (Volume 1) - Luther, Martin, 1483-1546
Works of Martin Luther, with introductions and notes (Volume 2) - Luther, Martin

D. Martini Lutheri opera Latina Vol. V (supplement to Erlangen edition of Luther's Latin works, in 7 vols)
D. Martini Lutheri Opera Latina Vol. VII (Cont. Scripta Lutheri A. 1525-1544) (supplement to Erlangen edition of Luther's Latin works, in 7 vols. )

D. Martin Luthers Werke Vol 17 By Martin Luther Contributor Ulrich Köpf Published by H. Böhlau, 1907 Item notes: v. 17, pt. 1 Original from Harvard University
D. Martin Luthers Werke Vol. 19
Dr. Martin Luther's sämmtliche Werke By Martin Luther, Ernst Ludwig Enders, Johann Georg Plochmann, Johann Conrad Irmischer Edition: 2 Published by Heyder & Zimmer, 1880Item notes: v. 20 Original from Harvard University
Dr. Martin Luther's sämmtliche Werke - Martin Luther , Johann Georg Plochmann, Johann Conrad Irmischer
Dr. Martin Luther's sämmtliche Werke - Martin Luther , Johann Georg Plochmann, Johann Conrad Irmischer
Dr. Martin Luther's sämmtliche Werke - Martin Luther
Sämtliche Werke By Martin Luther Published 1883 Item notes: v. 24-26 Original from Harvard University
Luther's Writings: Internet Collections
CCEL collection of Works of Martin Luther
Ebooks of the author Martin Luther
Free Out-Of Print Book on Martin Luther
Martin Luther and the 16th Reformation
Martin Luther's Writings
Luther's German Writings Weimar Edition 1516-1525
Project Wittenberg:The Writings of Martin Luther
Sermons of Martin Luther #1
Sermons of Martin Luther #2
Sermons of Martin Luther (CCEL Page)
Small Collection of Luther's Writings
The Writings of Martin Luther
Writings by Martin Luther
Monergism's Luther Page

Anecdotes of Luther and the Reformation [signed G.H.P.]. By G H. P Published 1883 Original from Oxford University
A treatise on Good Works together with the Letter of Dedication_by Dr. Martin Luther, 1520 Published in:_Works of Martin Luther_ Adolph Spaeth, L.D. Reed, Henry Eyster Jacobs, et Al., Trans. & Eds. (Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Company, 1915), Vol. 1, pp. 173-285. Introduction by M. REU. WARTBURG SEMINARY, DUBUQUE, IOWA
At the Tribunal of Caesar: Leaves from the Story of Luther's Life Vol 1.
At the Tribunal of Caesar: Leaves from the Story of Luther's Life Vol 2.
At the Tribunal of Caesar: Leaves from the Story of Luther's Life Vol 3.
Catharine Von Bora: The Wife of Martin Luther - Armin Stein, M . Drisler
Count Arensberg; or, The days of Martin Luther - Joseph Sortain
Count Arensberg; or, The days of Martin Luther - Joseph Sortain
Four Hundred Years: Commemorative Essays on the Reformation of Dr. Martin Luther
Four hundred years ; commemorative essays on the reformation of Dr. Martin Luther and its blessed results, in the year of the four-hundredth anniversary of the reformation.
Henry VIII and Luther by Erwin Doernberg (California: Stanford University Press), 1961
Grace and Reason: A Study in the Theology of Luther (B.A. Gerrish, 1962)
Here I Stand (Roland H. Bainton, 1950)
Life of Martin Luther - Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias, Freiherr von, 1791-1860
Life of Martin Luther - Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias, Freiherr von, 1791-1860
Life of Martin Luther - Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias, Freiherr von, 1791-1860
Life of Luther - Köstlin, Julius, 1826-1902
Life of Luther - Köstlin, Julius Theodor, 1826-1902
Life of Luther - Köstlin, Julius, 1826-1902
Life of Martin Luther - Thomas Carlyle, Sir William Hamilton
Life of Martin Luther - Tischer, John Frederick William
Luther: A Life by John M. Todd (Chapter 16: The Shining of the Sun)
Luther: a poem - Montgomery, Robert, 1807-1855
Luther : a short biography - Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894
Luther: a short biography - Froude, James Anthony, 1818-1894
Luther and the German Reformation (Thomas M. Lindsay, 1900)
Luther and the Reformation, Vol. III: Progress of the Movement: 1521-29 (James MacKinnon, 1962)
Luther and the Reformation, Vol. IV: Vindication of the Movement: 1530-46 (James MacKinnon, 1962)
Luther by a Lutheran: Or, A Full-length Portrait of Doctor Martin Luther : Being a Comprehensive ... - Reuben Weiser
Luther Discovers The Gospel New Light Upon Luther S Way From Medieval Catholicism To Evangelical Faith (1951)
Luther Examined and Reexamined: A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation
Luther Examined and Reexamined A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation
Luther in light of recent research By Heinrich Boehmer, Carl Frederick Huth, William Koepchen
Translated by Carl Frederick Huth Published by The Christian herald, 1916 Original from the New York Public Library
Luther in light of recent research - Boehmer, Heinrich, 1869-1927
Luther's Love For The Bible
Luther on education (1889)
Luther On Islam
LUTHER ON ISLAM AND THE PAPACY By Rev. Prof. Dr. Francis Nigel Lee,Professor of Systematic Theology and Caldwell-Morrow Lecturer in Church History at the Queensland Presbyterian Theological College in Brisbane, Queensland, Commonwealth of Australia. For Reformation Day, October 31st, 2000 A.D
Luther on the Sacraments (Henkel)
Luther's Table Talk: A Critical Study By Preserved Smith Published by The Columbia University Press, 1907 Item notes: nos. 68-71 Original from Harvard University
Luther, the leader - Nuelsen, John Louis
Luther, the reformer - Hay, Charles Ebert, 1851-1934
Luther's Translation of the Bible by Philip Schaff
Luther Vindicated By Charles Hastings Collette Published by Bernard Quaritch, 1884 Original from Harvard University
Martin Luther - Carl Burk, Karl von Burk
Martin Luther From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther and antisemitism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Martin Luther and His Work - John H. Treadwell
Martin Luther and Other Essays - Frederic Henry Hedge
Martin Luther, a poem - Cursham, Mary Anne
Martin Luther: A Study of Reformation, by Edwin D. Mead - Edwin Doak Mead
Martin Luther: Confessor of the Faith (Kolb)
Martin Luther, the man and his work - McGiffert, Arthur Cushman, 1861-1933Boyhood and youth -- Life as a monk -- Visit to Rome -- Preacher, professor, & district-vicar -- The awakening reformer -- The attack on indulgences -- The gathering storm -- The beginning of the conflict with Rome -- The leipsic debate -- The developing controversialist -- The national reformer -- The prophet of a new faith -- The final break with Rome -- The diet of worms -- At the wartburg -- The conflict with radicalism -- The peasants' war -- The break with humanism -- Marriage -- Home life...
Martin Luther : the man and his work - McGiffert, Arthur Cushman, 1861-1933Boyhood and youth -- Life as a monk -- Visit to Rome -- Preacher, professor, & district-vicar -- The awakening reformer -- The attack on indulgences -- The gathering storm -- The beginning of the conflict with Rome -- The Leipsic debate -- The developing controversialist -- The national reformer -- The prophet of a new faith -- The final break with Rome -- The diet of worms -- At the wartburg -- The conflict with radicalism -- The peasants' war -- The break with humanism -- Marriage -- Home life...
Martin Luther: student, monk, reformer - Rae, John
Martin Luther: Student, Monk, Reformer. - John Rae
Martin Luther, the hero of the reformation : 1483-1546 - Jacobs, Henry Eyster, 1844-1932
Martin Luther, the hero of the reformation; 1483-1546; - Jacobs, Henry Eyster, 1844-1932
New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia Article on Luther
On the Jews and Their Lies From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The History of the Life and Acts of Luther (+ Volume Two) (Philip Melanchthon, 1548; translated by T. Frazel, 1995)
The Leipzig debate in 1519 : leaves from the story of Luther's life (Volume 1)
The Leipzig debate in 1519 : leaves from the story of Luther's life (Volume 2)
The Leipzig debate in 1519 : leaves from the story of Luther's life (Volume 3)
The Meaning of Christianity, According to Luther and His Followers in Germany (M.J. Lagrange, O.P., 1920)
The Life of Dr. Martin Luther: Sketched for Young People's Societies and the Necessary Directions for General Discussion Appended By Johann Michael Reu, Emil H. Rausch Published by Wartburg Publishing House, 1917
The life of Martin Luther, the German reformer - König, Gustav, 1808-1869
The life of Martin Luther - Stang, Wm. (William), 1854-1907
The Life of Martin Luther (William Stang, 1883)
The life of Martin Luther - Rein, Wilhelm, 1847-1929
The Life of Martin Luther - Wilhelm Rein
The life of Martin Luther (Volume 1) - Worsley, Henry
The life of Martin Luther (Volume 1) - Worsley, Henry, 1820-1893
The life of Martin Luther (Volume 2) - Worsley, Henry
The life of Martin Luther (Volume 2) - Worsley, Henry, 1820-1893
The Life of Luther: Written by Himself By Martin Luther, Jules Michelet, William Hazlitt
Translated by William Hazlitt Edition: 2 Published by H. G. Bohn, 1862 Original from Harvard University
The Life of Luther Written by Himself By Martin Luther Published by G. Bell, 1904 471 pages
The Life of Martin Luther By Julius Köstlin, John Gottlieb Morris Published by Lutheran publication society, 1883 Original from Harvard University
The Life of Martin Luther - Julius Köstlin , Julius Theodor Köstlin, John Gottlieb Morris
The life of Martin Luther gathered from his own writings By Jules Michelet, G. H. Smith
Translated by G. H. Smith Published by G.S. Appleton, 1846 Original from Harvard University
The Life of Martin Luther, Gathered from His Own Writings By Martin Luther, Jules Michelet
Translated by G. H. Smith Published by A.A. Kelley, 1858 Original from the University of Michigan
The Life of Martin Luther, Gathered from His Own Writings - Jules Michelet
The miners' sons: Martin Luther and Henry Martyn - Charles Dent Bell
The Political Theories of Martin Luther, Luther Hess Waring (1910)
The Revolt And Martin Luther - Robert Herndon Fife
The Revolt and Martin Luther (Robert Herndon Fife, 1957)
The Story of Luther's Life (Thomas Sefton Rivington)
The story of Martin Luther - Elizabeth Jane Whately
THE WARTBURG AND LUTHER :- By MARY HARRISON The Sunday Magazine 1887 - London Isbister And Company 56 Ludgate Hill
The theology of Luther: in its historical development and inner harmony By Julius Köstlin, Charles Ebert Hay Translated by Charles Ebert Hay Published by Lutheran Publication Society, 1897 Item notes: v. 1 Original from Harvard University
Thirty-five Years of Luther Research By Johann Michael Reu Published by Wartburg Publishing House, 1917 Original from Harvard University
Reformation History
Henry Vedder, The Reformation In Germany

Catholic Encyclopedia entry on Martin Luther
Denifles Luther eine Ausgeburt römischer Moral By Wilhelm Walther Published by A. Deichert, 1904 Original from Harvard University
Hartmann Grisar - Luther (Volume 6)
Hartmann Grisar - Luther (Volume 3)
Hartmann Grisar - Luther (Volume 2)
Hartmann Grisar - Luther (Volume 1)
Luther by Hartmann Grisar (German)(alternate link)1911
Luther by Hartmann Grisar (English (1913) London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & co., ltd., (Full text)
Luther's Lives, by Melanchthon & Cochlaeus
Luther Vol. 1 by Hartmann Grisar 1913 London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner (full text)alternate: Luther (Volume 1) Luther (Volume 1)
Luther (Volume 2) - Grisar, Hartmann, 1845-1932 alternate: Luther (Volume 2) Luther (Volume 2)
Luther (Volume 3) - Grisar, Hartmann alternate: Luther (Volume 3) Luther (Volume 3)
Luther (Volume 4) - Grisar, Hartmann alternate: Luther (Volume 4)
Luther (Volume 5) - Grisar, Hartmann alternate: Luther (Volume 5)
Luther (Volume 6)- Grisar, Hartmann alternate: Luther (Volume 6) Luther (Volume 6)
Luther, eine Skizze - Döllinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von, 1799-1890
Luther and Lutherdom, H. Denifle (full English text)
Luther and Lutherdom, H. Denifle, Forward to the First Edition
Luther and Lutherdom, Heinrich Denifle, Forward to the Second Edition (Word format)
Luther and Lutherdom, H. Denifle, Contents
Luther and Lutherdom, Heinrich Denifle, table of contents (pp. XLI – LI)
Luther and Lutherdom, Heinrich Denifle, pp. 272-295.
Luther und Luthertum - Denifle, Heinrich. P.
Luther und Luthertum. Ergänzungen - Heinrich Denifle , Albert Maria Weiss
Luther et le luthéranisme; étude faite d'après les sources (Volume 2) - Denifle, Heinrich, 1844-1905Translation of Luther und Luthertum in der Ersten Entwickelung
Luther und Luthertum in der ersten Entwickelung: Quellenmässig dargestellt - Heinrich Denifle , Albert Maria Weiss
Luther und Luthertum in der ersten Entwickelung: Quellenmässig dargestellt - Heinrich Denifle , Albert Maria Weiss
Luther und Luthertum in der ersten Entwickelung; quellenmässig dargestellt - Denifle, Heinrich, 1844-1905
Luther und Luthertum in der ersten Entwickelung; quellenmässig dargestellt - Denifle, Heinrich, 1844-1905
Luther und Luthertum in der ersten Entwickelung; quellenmässig dargestellt - Denifle, Heinrich, 1844-1905
Luther und Luthertum in der ersten Entwickelung; quellenmässig dargestellt - Denifle, Heinrich, 1844-1905
Luther's own statements concerning his teaching and its results: Taken exclusively from the earliest and best editions of Luther's German and Latin works By Henry O'Connor, Martin Luther, Andrew Dickson White Contributor Andrew Dickson White
Edition: 3 Published by Benziger Brothers, 1884 Original from Harvard University
The facts about Luther - O'Hare, Patrick F., 1848-1926
Luther, Exposing the Myth By Raymond Taouk
Martin Luther General Teachings/Activities
Martin Luther, Hitler's spiritual Ancestor By Peter F. Wiener HUTCHINSON & Co. (Publishers) LTD.LONDON : NEW YORK : MELBOURNE : SYDNEY
Martin Luther — Master Of Deceit (277 page online book by Dr. Max D. Younce, Th.D. Requires free Adobe Acrobat)
Martin Luther The Anti-Semite father of Christian Protestantism
Martin Luther Quotes from Ex-Christian.net
Martin Luther's Sacramental Gospel by Dwight Oswald
Martin Luther was a Mary Worshipper! by David J. Stewart
Martin Luther Was No Christian By David J. Stewart
The Black Box Speaks: The Legacy of Martin Luther
The Truth About Martin Luther
Counter-Reply: Martin Luther's Mariology (Particularly the Immaculate Conception) Has Present-Day Protestantism Maintained the "Reformational" Heritage of Classical Protestant Mariology? (2003a, 2003b, 2004a, 2004b, 2004c ,2006a, 2006b, 2006c)
DA's Luther page
Luther vs. the Canon of the Bible (1999 , 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)
Martin Luther: Beyond Mythology to Historical Fact (2001, 2002, 2003)
Martin Luther's Devotion to Mary (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)
Martin Luther the "Super-Pope" and de facto Infallibility With Extensive Documentation From Luther's Own Words (2003a, (2003b, 2003c, 2004)
Second Reply Concerning Martin Luther's Mariology (2003a, 2003b, 2004a, 2004b, 2004c, 2006a , 2006b, 2006c
THE ORTHODOX VS. THE HETERODOX LUTHER (1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006)
Other Languages:
Doktor Luther - Freytag, Gustav, 1816-1895
Doktor Martin Luther: Ein Lebensbild für das deutsche Haus - Georg Buchwald
Dr. Martin Luther's Bibelübersetzung
Martin Luther's Bibelübersetzung, Nach Der Letzten Original-Ausg. - Heinrich Ernst Bindseil
Martin Luther's Bibelübersetzung, Nach Der Letzten Original-Ausg. - Heinrich Ernst Bindseil,
Martin Luther's Bibelübersetzung, Nach Der Letzten Original-Ausg. - Heinrich Ernst Bindseil,
Martin Luther: Eine Biographie - Theodor Kolde
Martin Luther: Eine dramatische Trilogie - Adolf Bartels
Martin Luther, eine Biographie - Hermann Friedrich Theodor von Kolde , Theodor Kolde
Martin Luther, ein Lebensbild - August Baur
Martin Luther in kulturgeschichtlicher Darstellung - Arnold Erich Berger
Martin Luther in kulturgeschichtlicher Darstellung - Arnold Erich Berger
Dr. Martin Luther's Krankengeschichte - Gottlob Friedrich H . Küchenmeister
Dr. Martin Luther's Krankengeschichte - Friedrich Küchenmeister
Litterargeschichte der Briefsammlungen und einigen Schriften von Dr. Martin Luther - Georg Veesenmeyer
Luther und Kant - Bauch, Bruno, 1877-1942
Martin Luther, sein Leben dem deutschen Volke erzählt - Junge, Friedrich
Martin Luther's Leben - Gustav Pfizer
Martin Luther; oder, die Weihe der Kraft: eine Tragödie ... - Friedrich Ludwig Zacharias Werner , Zacharias Werner , Julian Schmidt
Martin Luther: Thomas Murner und Das Kirchenlied Des 16. Jahrhunderts - Martin Luther , Thomas Murner
Martin Luther: Thomas Murner und Das Kirchenlied Des 16. Jahrhunderts - Martin Luther , Thomas Murner
Martin Luther, Thomas Murner und das kirchenlied des 16. jahrhunderts - Berlit, Georg, 1850-1916With brief bibliographies
Martin Luther und wir: Das reformatorische Christentum Luthers - Theodor Brieger
Tagebuch über dr. Martin Luther - Conrad Cordatus