The Internet Archive has a 23-volume set of the Walch edition of Luther works..... in English. This was a set of Luther's works originally published 1740-1753 by Johann Georg Walch (then revised in the next century). This set was originally in German. I do not recall there ever being a complete English translation done of Walch. Mystery solved: the Internet Archive states, "This is an English machine translation (by DeepL Translator) of the original German book, available at Google Books and HathiTrust."
Volume 1: Interpretations of the first book of Moses, Genesis (part one)
Volume 2: Interpretations of the first book of Moses, Genesis (part two)
Volume 3: Interpretation of the Old Testament (continued)
Volume 4: Interpretation of the Old Testament (continued)
Volume 5: Interpretation of the Old Testament (continued)- Interpretation of the Psalms (continued), Ecclesiastes, the Song of Solomon
Volume 6: Interpretation of the Old Testament (continued)- Interpretations of the major and some of the minor prophets, namely Hosea, Joel and Amos
Volume 7: New Testament interpretation
Volume 8: New Testament Interpretation (continued)- John (continued), Acts 1, 1 Corinthians 15, 17, Shorter interpretation of Galatians, Luther's marginal glosses on the Bible Old and New Testament 1545, collection of Proverbs from Luther's writings
Volume 9: New Testament interpretation (conclusion)- Galatians, etc.
Volume 10: Catechetical writings and sermons
Volume 11: The Church Postils, Gospels Section
Volume 12: Church Postil Epistle section, miscellaneous sermons
Volume 13: The House Postils according to Veit Dietrich
Volume 13b: The House Postils according to Georg Rorer
Volume 14: Preface to the German Bible, forwards to other books, Luther's historical and philological writings
Volume 15: Reformation writings
Volume 16: Reformation writings
Volume 17: Documents related to the history of the Reformation
Volume 18: Disputes with the Papists
Volume 19: Disputes with the Papists
Volume 20: Disputes with the Sacramentarians and other Enthusiasts
Volume 21a: Dr. Luther's Letters (part one)
Volume 21b: Dr. Luther's Letters (part two)
Volume 22: Colloquia or Table Talk
Volume 23: Main index