On a web page entitled, Martin Luther: The greatest heretic in human history comes the following quote from Pope Pius X:
“Protestantism as proudly called by its founders, is the sum of all the heresies, that have been before it, after it, and that could still be born to slaughter the souls” -Pius X
"Protestantism, or Reformed religion, as proudly called by its founders, is the sum of all heresies that have been before it, that have been after it, and that still could be born to slaughter souls." St. Pius X, ora pro nobis. (link)
This same catechism (p. 398) states “Protestantism * * * is the sum of all Heresies. The most monstrous congeries of errors, both private and individual, and enfolds all heresies.” (link)

“Protestantism, or the reformed religion, as its founders haughtily call it, is the sum of all heresies that ever existed before it, that have arisen since, or that may arise hereafter for the ruin of souls" (link)
From these texts I was able to determine the primary source: Compendio della dottrina cristiana prescritto da sua Santita Papa Pio X. As one of the texts above states, this was a 1905 Catechism by Pope Pius X. The quote is found on page 398 of the 1906 edition.
128. Fra le altre, vanno tristamente famose le eresie: di Sabellio, che impugnò il dogma della SS. Trinità; di Manete, che negò l'Unità di Dio, ed ammise nell'uomo due anime; di Ario, che non volle riconoscere la Divinità di N. S. Gesù Cristo; di Nestorio, che negò a Maria SSma la sua eccelsa qualità di Madre di Dio, e distinse in Gesù Cristo due persone; di Eutiche, il quale in Gesù Cristo non ammise che una sola natura; di Macedonio, che combattè la divinità dello Spirito Santo; di Pelagio, che intaccò il dogma del peccato originale e della necessità della grazia; degli Iconoclasti, che ripudiarono il culto delle Sacre Imagini e delle Reliquie dei Santi; di Berengario, che disdisse la presenza reale di N. S. Gesù Cristo nel SS. Sacramento; di Giovanni Hus, che negò il primato di S. Pietro e del Romano Pontefice; e finalmente la grande eresia del Protestantesimo (sec. XVI), prodotta e divulgata principalmente da Lutero e da Calvino. Questi novatori, col respingere la Tradizione divina riducendo tutta la rivelazione alla S. Scrittura, e col sottrarre la S. Scrittura medesima al legittimo magistero della Chiesa, per darla insensatamente alla libera interpretazione dello spirito privato di ciascheduno, demolirono tutti i fondamenti della fede, esposero i Libri Santi alla profanazione della presunzione e dell'ignoranza, ed aprirono l'adito a tutti gli errori.
129. Il protestantesimo o religione riformata, come orgogliosamente la chiamarono i suoi fondatori, è la somma di tutte le eresie, che furono prima di esso, che sono state dopo, e che potranno nascere ancora a fare strage delle anime.
Yes, the quote says Protestantism is the sum of all heresies that have been before it, that have been after it and that it's a soul killer. The quote is found in an appendix to the Catechism which discusses church history (Breve Storia Della Religione). In #128 (above), Luther and Calvin are specifically singled out for rejecting "divine Tradition" "reducing all revelation to Scripture," and interpreting Scripture without the Roman Magisterium. The quote then follows in #129. It's interesting that this Catechism is found in various places online (translated into English), but this section does not appear (see, for instance, EWTN's version and this print version). The 1905 Catechism was revised and rereleased in 1912. "The history of the Christian religion" appendix section does occur in the revision, but it appears the appendices are left off at times. I don't suspect any nefarious purposeful deletions. Rather, it appears the Catechism section has more pragmatic value.
The Catechism also has some other interesting tidbits:
Q. What should a Christian do who has been given a Bible by a Protestant or by an agent of the Protestants? A Christian to whom a Bible has been offered by a Protestant or an agent of the Protestants should reject it with disgust, because it is forbidden by the Church. If it was accepted by inadvertence, it must be burnt as soon as possible or handed in to the Parish Priest.
D. Che dovrebbe fare il cristiano se gli venisse offerta la Bibbia da un protestante o da qualche emissario dei protestanti? R. Se ad un cristiano venisse offerta la Bibbia da un protestante, o da qualche emissario dei protestanti, egli dovrebbe rigettarla con orrore, perché proibita dalla Chiesa; che se l'avesse ricevuta senza badarvi, dovrebbe tosto gettarla alle fiamme, o consegnarla al proprio parroco.[source]
Q. Why does the Church forbid Protestant Bibles? A. The Church forbids Protestant Bibles because, either they have been altered and contain errors, or not having her approbation and footnotes explaining the obscure meanings, they may be harmful to the Faith. It is for that same reason that the Church even forbids translations of the Holy Scriptures already approved by her which have been reprinted without the footnotes approved by her.
D. Perché la Chiesa proibisce le Bibbie protestanti? R. La Chiesa proibisce la Bibbie protestanti perché o sono alterate e contengono errori, oppure, mancando della sua approvazione e delle note dichiarative dei sensi oscuri, possono nuocere alla Fede. Per questo la Chiesa proibisce eziandio le traduzioni della Sacra Scrittura già approvate da essa, ma ristampate senza le spiegazioni dalla medesima approvate. [source]
Thanks for this honest rendering of the text and context...every word Saint Pius X said was true...my quibble is the term "modernists" is missing...he wasnt just speaking of protestantism but also those fake Catholics who hold protestant attitudes. As per the revisions of the Catechisms...American Hierarchy even as early as 1912 were polluted by liberalism and Americanism...so they would edit the catechisms accordingly. Thank you
Actually, he was wrong, contrary to what sedevecantists want you to believe. The Douay-Rheims (based on the vulgate) failed to accurately cross-reference the passages in the book of Hebrews that are only found in the Greek Septuagint because they were not in the Vulgate, and we know that the Septuagint was based on earlier Hebrew manuscripts which contained those passages in the original language, because we found the original fragment of that in the Dead Sea Scrolls, where it says "Let all the angels worship him" and it matches more closely than the Douay's suggested reference. Also, a member of the Anglican Coetibus (basically, Anglicans in communion with Rome) defended the KJV as being in line with what the church accepts, since they began using translations other than Douay and the Vulgate texts. It's just a matter of interpretation. You can find that here: http://www.walsinghampublishing.com/kjv/
As far as it goes for commentaries in the bibles themselves, I think the ones meant to defend particular Catholic doctrines in DR are not always as unambiguous or clear as rad-trads may think, and could often be said to implictly admit Protestant beliefs. I know of a Reformed Presbyterian who used to be a Catholic and was lead to Protestantism through the comments of the Douay-Rheims.
Any Catholic that left the Church based on the DR commentary is quite humorous. He was not leaving of his own accord or brilliancy, just like the fake reformers, were blasphemers and the Lord gave them the boot with the curse of believing it was some breakthrough discovery. The Lord knows all things even before they happen. Fear God, he doesn't save anyone who doesn't.
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