Saturday, October 15, 2016

Marketing the Celebration of the Reformation

I haven't been posting as much because I've been busy revising many of my blog old entries. In the meantime, here's something from Luther Quest I came across a while back (ht: RS (Carl Vehse). While I understand that people like to have tangible identifiers of their interests and passions, some of this stuff displays more of a theology of glory than a theology of the cross.

Playmobil's Luther 

Reformation 500 Musical Bottle Opener 

Martin Luther "Here I stand" socks 

Reformation Christmas ornaments 

Luther's Rose Frisbee 

Reformation 500 Dog Collar "Give Fido a little something special with our Reformation 500 dog collar." 

Luther's Mallet Lapel Pin (Gold tone) "This mini mallet lapel pin is a reminder of Luther nailing his 95 Theses." 

Martin Luther Drink Coasters (Pack of 4) 

Reformation 500 Golf Tees (20/bag) "Tee up for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation! Each wooden tee proudly proclaims the Reformation 500 theme." 

Reformation 500 Shot Glass "Cheers! Here's to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation!" 

Nailed It. Sticky Notes 

Lutheran Ninja Stress Reliever "In October of 1517 Martin Luther changed the world by living out his faith, studying scripture and honoring the Lord. He tirelessly wrote thought provoking and challenging words and was steadfast in following Jesus. You could you say he was a Lutheran Ninja! As we prepare for Reformation Day 2015 we invite you to become a Lutheran Ninja." 

Martin Luther Reformation Balloons (made of mylar). 

Reformation Day - October 31, 1517 Dog T-Shirt


Matthew said...

First, in defense of the Playmobil Luther, he looks great sitting above my desk in my home office.

I do find it interesting that most of these things come from Concordia. Aren't they the official Lutheran Church Missouri Synod publishing arm? Seems a bit, I don't know... just something's not right about it.

Was there a wind-up tin Luther nailing the theses to the door for the 400th anniversary in 1917? Or a pocket watch with the Lutheran Rose?

Actually, I wouldn't mind having either of those... Hey, Concordia!

Carl Vehse said...

The quadricentennial celebration of the Reformation was complicated by the fact that there was some other major things going on in Europe at the time, and, because the U.S. was seriously involved in those European activities at the time, celebrations promoting German-related events was seriously frown on in the United States.