I've been on the Catholic Answers forums since 2004. This never ceases to amaze me. Why haven't I been banned? Well, I'm not there every day. I make occasional visits, usually involved with Reformation-related subjects. One thing I've tried to do at CA is abide by the rules. Maybe that's the reason I've yet to get the boot.
Sometimes this isn't easy. For instance, recently a Roman Catholic participant was demonizing Luther and the Reformation on the "Non-Catholic Religions" forum. Rather than interacting with this person, I decided to use the "Report Post" alert feature to notify the moderators of these uncharitable comments being posted. I sent in alerts on two or three different posts. The response to these alerts was that I myself received an "infraction" for allegedly abusing the alert system, and the vilifying posts were allowed to stay. So, lesson learned: don't use the "Report Post" alert feature on the Catholic Answers Non-Christian Religions forum.
Now, I don't get the logic of this, since Catholic Answers provides this link as well as these general guidelines:
"Civility and a respect for each other should be foremost."
"Posters are expected to treat each other as equals with equal expectations of each other in terms of research, logic, challenges, and portrayal of Catholic teaching."
"Terms of derision, derogatory remarks, baiting, and inflammatory statements are prohibited."
"Avoid categorizing people by a term which could be considered derogatory (e.g., Nazi or neocon) unless they have embraced that title. In which case, you may qualify them with the term as long as you preface it with the word "avowed."
Posters are asked to use their best judgement when posting articles using such terms. Do not abbreviate terms." What to look for in your post before you press submit: Is the post civil and charitable? Does the post challenge those to whom it is directed or does it bash them? And remember: always, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Guidelines for posting on religious discussions
Members are not allowed to be disrespectful of anyone's faith or religion, whether it is Catholicism or not. If a member is disrespectful, he will generally be counseled first and suspended if he persists in disrespectful postings.
If the nature of an initial posting is blatantly disrespectful to any religion (e.g., "the pope is the anti-Christ" or "Rome is the Whore of Babylon" or "Muslims are terrorists"), suspension may be immediate and without prior counseling.
Members are free to discuss, dialogue, question, disagree with, and debate the doctrines and dogmas of both Catholicism and non-Catholic religions. However, all discourse must be civil and charitable.
I guess I shouldn't expect these rules apply to any comments Roman Catholics make about that great destroyer, Martin Luther or the Reformation in general. Ironically, in the same discussion a Lutheran was banned for making one unflattering comment about Roman Catholicism (if he made other less-than-charitable comments about Rome, I certainly didn't see them). I pointed out this odd double standard in a post, and it was deleted by a moderator. So, let's say with this particular situation, the Catholic Answers moderators have some sort of set of "other" rules that trump the posted rules. Well, it's their website, so they can do what they want.
Now here's a situation in which they moderated more successfully. If there's one person Roman Catholics disdain as much as Luther, it's Dr. James White. Recently a Methodist on the forum stated,
"James White has always seemed to me to be a peculiarly angry and unhappy man, who has been turned into a kind of Scrooge-like figure by cherishing his dislike of Catholics, & using it as whip to try to beat you all up."
Now, given the guidelines posted above, this comment goes over the line, doesn't it? So, I responded:
Today, 8:08 am
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There is an expectation here at CAF that we all should behave with civility. In practice this means striving to deliver our comments here with as much charity as we can muster. Some Catholics who are going through a renewal of their faith can take on a somewhat strident tone. Having re-discovered the truth of their faith, they then proceed to jump on a soapbox and start proclaiming the truth as they see it. Fellow Catholics, priests, bishops, even the pope, are subject to "correction." Perhaps they do not realize that this behavior often comes across to others as trying to use doctrine as a weapon. Here are some quotations from Church leaders to consider closely: Quote: "Win an argument and lose a soul." -- Bishop Fulton Sheen "Love without truth would be blind; truth without love would be like 'a clanging cymbal.'" -- Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Homily "Preach the gospel at all times, and, when necessary, use words." -- St. Francis (attributed) "You know well enough that our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them." -- St. Therese of Lisieux "Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could move mountains, but have not charity, I am nothing.... Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil.... Love bears all things ... endures all things. So faith, hope, charity abide, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." -- St. Paul (1 Cor. 13:2, 5, 7, 14) "Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence." -- St. Peter (1 Pet. 3:15; RSV-CE) Some members have left the Catholic Answers Forums because CAF management would not allow them to behave rudely. There are many venues on the Internet where one may behave as uncharitably as one desires. This is not one of them. It should also be noted that Catholics are NOT given preference because of their religious affiliation. In fact, Catholics are often held to a higher standard. As our Lord cautioned, "To whom much is given, of him will much be required" (Luke 12:48). Here at CAF, we believe that the truth will take care of itself. Our job is to reveal it as charitably as we can. Finally, the Moderators are prepared to help members remain within the boundaries of charity. But that only works if each of us is willing to co-operate. Please accept moderator guidance graciously and with the Christian gentleness St. Peter spoke of, even if you feel you have been wronged. (And don't forget that if you do feel that your case needs to be reviewed, you are free to appeal Mod actions to the Admin staff at forumadmin@catholic.com.) But please keep in mind that making continual complaints about a perceived slight or injustice is counterproductive. The Mods only have so much time to devote to CAF. Rather, offer it up. Others will benefit spiritually from your pain. It's the Catholic thing to do. |
Now, here was a response back from a different participant: "Frankly, I am baffled as to why you posted this. Was something offensive? Then perhaps you should take it to the mods. If not mod-worthy, what are you responding to?" Now, given my previous infractions for contacting a moderator, I decided to respond back:
Today, 9:58 pm
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I'm actually baffled as to why you're baffled. Do you think this comment is in any way, charitable?:
JS |
To which another participant posted:
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I'd never heard of James White before this, but having taken a look, I would say that the poster was "charitable" in their definition - rather than the opposite! He comes across as very anti-Catholic and abuses us, our beliefs and doctrines with no pretence of charity - |
...And my response:
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Very interesting. JS |
...and then...in response...
Today, 12:59 pm
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Debate Expert: "James White Driven by Emotion Rather than Reason" by Peter Lumpkins Peter,"James White & God's Love (or lack thereof) for All People" by Peter Lumpkins » "On a recent comment thread at SBC Tomorrow, an unusual number of comments were logged concerning James White's disrespectful comments toward women. I took the time to listen to the broadcast in question. I now understand precisely why one Christian lady took extreme offense at White's remarks>>> "James White and his trusty sidekick, Rich Pierce, need to publicly apologize for these offensive remarks toward not only Mormon women, but ethnic women." Brigham Young Had Ugly Wives (the topic for this broadcast)- "No one would debate me on that...we have had some enjoyment over the years looking at the pictures of Bringham Young's wives...(lots of sniggering)..you're being mean, people say but....I would be a heretic too if i'd been married to 94 of them ...got to give that man some leeway..." He then asks caller (Shaun) in to the radio show "..ever read BY's collected sermons... have you ever seen pictures of BY's wives...look it up on google..in the Mormon Encyclopedia...scan the picture to a jpg...evidence that the mans' a ...? (lots of laughter throughout) "Russian women look like Russian men...Russian women are a lot up on (his wives)..." How's that ![]() ![]()
..to which I responded...
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I've known Dr. White over 10 years, and this is simply not true. Even if it were, it still violates the sentiment expressed in this Catholic Answers post. If by "beat up people", you mean being able to cogently argue against that which one opposes, then sure. However, saying "beat up people" is not the sort of ideal in dialog I get from this Catholic Answers post. I'm not sure if you are aware of the dialog between Peter and Dr. White, but there are two sides to every story, and charity would say that one should learn both sides before agreeing a particular person is "angry, unhappy, and Scrooge-like, who "whips" and "beats up" people." Dr. White does not "beat up women". Lumpkins took what was meant to be humorous, and used the ol' PC speech argument. I wonder if Mr. Lumpkins has any problem with the sentiment in these Bible verses, "16Now Laban had two daughters; the name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. 17Leah had weak eyes, but Rachel had a lovely figure and was beautiful." Quite frankly, it really saddens me. It doesn't at all seem to reflect the standards put forth in this Catholic Answers post. JS |
So, how did this wind up? All of my comments were deleted, as well as the other comments supporting the anti-James White comment. Now, I think that's good moderation. Everyone's comment got dumped. Now, here's where the Catholic Answers Moderators dropped the ball. They still allow this comment to be posted:
"James White has always seemed to me to be a peculiarly angry and unhappy man, who has been turned into a kind of Scrooge-like figure by cherishing his dislike of Catholics, & using it as whip to try to beat you all up."
I am sure there are more angry "anti-Catholics" out there than James White, such as Jack Chick and David Stewart (jesus-is-saviour.com).
I get the feeling that James White is more attacked on CAF than those KJVO Fundamentalists however.
Someone once asked on CAF who is the best apologist vs Islam and it seems no one wanted to name James White but were willing to name William Lane Craig or some other obscure people.
So do we know of any "angry" RC apologists out there?
Apart from Sippo, which RC apologist/e-pologist is the most "angry"?
Ahem, I think it is all about having what is called the wrong paradigm, James. Obviously as a prot you can't know anything about it. So there. But what about all the window dressing about civility? It is just that: invisible/nonexistent.
IOW no paradigm decoder ring, no real understanding of romanism.
Ok, OK, maybe that's uncharitable, but how else does one explain it? IMO since romanism is an unbiblical self/external works righteousness, its adherents have no clue as to the real depth of self serving depravity of the human heart. At least the doctrines of grace teach you to watch our for and suspect it, even though you can never eradicate it in this life.
It has been my experience as well that there's uneven enforcement of the posting rules at CA. I view it as forums run by and run for Catholics. And while "others are welcome", they had better watch their step.
The group think dynamic is frustrating and it's nearly impossible to keep the discussion on track especially when different posters are sniping at you or raising tangential and often misrepresented issues.
I admire your patience James. I keep from posting there because I know how it will end.
I wonder if C.A.F has contracted Patti-Scissor-Hands from Pat Madrid to do some Contract-Editing of your posts? She has proven to be quite capable in the past.
" Recently one of our channel regulars posted this argument in the Envoy forums. Quickly Patti "Scissor Hands" replied to it. Now, I am very impressed with Patti's zeal. What a life it must be to sit next to your computer day and night, just waiting for someone to post something so you can quickly either attempt to refute it, or, if it was written by Art "Mad Dog" Sippo, edit it or delete it (and quickly before it can be added to the long, long list of embarrassing flaming posts written under Art's name). It did not take long for Patti to respond, and she did so by posting from this website the following words:"
Is there still an Envoy forum?
Yes there is:
However all posts must be approved by Patti-Scissor-Hands.
That explains why so few posts make it through final editing. "Snip, Snip".
That link is blank, at least for me.
Rules for thee but not for me. No surprises there.
It appears the "James White eats kittens" aspect of the CA thread in question is starting up again:
Mar 29, '13, 8:06 pm
New Member
Re: Praying to Dead Folks
James White think he has been misrepresented here.
Yesterday, 1:50 am
Dee S
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Join Date: September 28, 2011
Posts: 2,725
Religion: Catholic
Re: Praying to Dead Folks
I doubt it's possible to 'misrepresent' James White's persistent and unpleasant anti-Catholic claims, as can be seen in this extract:
"The fact is, praying to "saints" and angels is not a part of the "apostolic teaching" recorded for us in the New Testament. It was a departure, a degradation, that took place in the centuries following the apostolic era. It requires us to hold a sub-biblical view of prayer and of worship. It is, in fact, idolatry, from which true believers must flee."
How can he make claims to knowing what is or is not part of Apostolic Teaching?
A degradation?..... How insulting!
Sub-biblical....idolatory? - no comment
Yesterday, 4:03 am
New Member
Perhaps you should read the link before saying it is not possible to misrepresent James White . . .
Today, 1:35 am
Dee S
Regular Member
Prayer Warrior
Book Club Member
I did read it, my extract above makes the point- and serves the purposes of this discussion.
The claims against Tim Staples made by James White lack supporting evidence...and, it is an attempt at character assassination that is best refuted by Tim Staples - should he wish to do so.
So they're offended by James White's assertions. That's not at all like a rebuttal.
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