Mid-life crisis time! I dyed my hair blond yesterday. I've got that aging rock star look, or as my wife stated, I've got the German terrorist look from those "Die Hard" type of movies.
The only camera we have is my wife's cell phone, so... that's the best quality of picture we can take. My siamese cat tolerated the photo shoot. This was around the 20th picture... the cat was done after picture 3, if you know what I mean.

Am I on the right blog?
More like "Dye Hard"
Sorry to bump you...
Your head is still not as shiny as Dr. White's! :)
You and Scott should start a band. That's excellent. Looks great!
Hmmmm......I think I liked the gray better, although I do admire your courage. Maybe it's just a little too blonde. If this doesn't work you can always resort to buying a red corvette convertible. That seems to do the trick for most men.
I remember when you really were a blond a looooong time ago.
Sorry about your crisis.
You forgot your eyebrows!
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