...Let Catholic Apologist Dr. Art Sippo speak for himself (cf. James 3:3-12).
Source: Envoy forums, 9/24/07
"Protestantism is morally degenerate whereas Catholicism remains morally responsible"
“...the foundation of Protestantism of all kinds is the noxious heresy of JBFA which is based on a form of amoralist humanism which makes 'right standing' before God a mere matter of formality that is completely lacking in moral content. The Protestant revolt tried to allay troubled consciences with mantras like 'Sin strongly believe more strongly!' which were thinly veiled euphemisms for the real notion that with regard to true inherent morality 'It just doesn't matter.'”
“This is what is so insidious about the Protestant system. It creates a fake veneer of moral rectitude, but when it comes down to cases, you don't have to be good to be considered good. Morality is a merely a personal affectation, not a requirement for salvation..”
“Protestants are only as "good" as they want to be. Ultimately, they can always fall back on "once saved always saved" or similar antinomian heresies to justify virtually anything.”
Source: Envoy forums, 9/24/07
"Protestantism is morally degenerate whereas Catholicism remains morally responsible"
“...the foundation of Protestantism of all kinds is the noxious heresy of JBFA which is based on a form of amoralist humanism which makes 'right standing' before God a mere matter of formality that is completely lacking in moral content. The Protestant revolt tried to allay troubled consciences with mantras like 'Sin strongly believe more strongly!' which were thinly veiled euphemisms for the real notion that with regard to true inherent morality 'It just doesn't matter.'”
“This is what is so insidious about the Protestant system. It creates a fake veneer of moral rectitude, but when it comes down to cases, you don't have to be good to be considered good. Morality is a merely a personal affectation, not a requirement for salvation..”
“Protestants are only as "good" as they want to be. Ultimately, they can always fall back on "once saved always saved" or similar antinomian heresies to justify virtually anything.”
"The fist generation of Protestants wanted to divorce their tired old wives and marry nubile new ones. EVERY branch of the so-called "reformation" allowed this. Some Lutherans and Anabaptists actually advocated polygamy. Celibacy, the evangelical counsels, self-denial and contrition were all swept away in favor of Luther's "if it feels good do it" philosophy and the sin of presumption that it necessarily advocated."
Well at least Dr. Sippo never called Protestantism the "Whore of Babylon". Protestant would NEVER do that to Catholics.....oh wait a minute.......
Anti-Catholics can dish it out but they can't take it.
Well at least Dr. Sippo never called Protestantism the "Whore of Babylon". Protestant would NEVER do that to Catholics.....oh wait a minute.......Anti-Catholics can dish it out but they can't take it.
I don't use language like this when speaking about the RCC, so you're shooting at the wrong target.
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