Here are my last few entries for Team Apologian:
7/14/07 The July 2007 Berean Call Top 10 The July top 10 list of why Dave Hunt's Berean Call should change its name to something else. Quotations from the July issue of The Berean Call.
07/09/2007 The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching? A brief review of The Scriptural Roots of Catholic Teaching by Chantal Epie (New Hampshire: Sophia Institute Press, 2002), subtitled, How the Bible Proves the Truth of the Catholic Faith.
07/07/2007 Five More Luther Myths
06/30/2007 Ten Martin Luther Myths
06/24/2007 Desperate Sophistry
6/20/2007 Romans 3:2 And The Apocrypha (Part 2) Catholic apologist Gary Michuta has released a new book, Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger. This is a part two of my examination of his interpretation of Romans 3:2

06/18/2007 Deacons, Elders and...Luther
06/08/2007 Romans 3:2 And The Apocrypha (Part 1) Catholic apologist Gary Michuta has released a new book, Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger. This is a part one of my examination of his interpretation of Romans 3:2

I think you should write a book called "Why Protestant Books Are Smaller".
I'd buy it ;)
Hey, I seem to not have your email address (I should!)
I have an interesting article I'd like to send you.
At your service,
The Uberlibrarian
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