Here are my last few entries for Team Apologian:
5/30/07 The Closing Of The Old Testament Canon- I've been going through Catholic apologist Gary Michuta's new book, Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger. The entry looks at Michuta's discussion of Rabbi Akiba and the closing of the Old Testament canon.
5/25/07 Checking In With The Other Side Of The Tiber- I regularly visit Roman Catholic blogs and websites to see what the apologists are up to. Here are a few highlights.
5/25/07 Svendsen-Pacwa debate review- A link to a review.
5/25/07 Two Contradicting Points Equals a Refutation- Dr. Sippo and Mr. Michuta pat each other on the back while saying two different things.
5/21/07 I Won't Read It, But It Must Be a Lie! -A review of a Catholic Answers thread.
5/20/07 Gary Michuta, Sirach, and the Threefold Division of the Old Testament-I've been going through Catholic apologist Gary Michuta's new book, Why Catholic bibles Are Bigger (Michigan: The Grotto Press, 2007). The first bit of evidence the book covers is the usage and citations of the apocryphal Book of Sirach (also known as Ecclesiasticus) and its impact on the canonical status of the apocryphal books.
5/15/07 Gary Michuta, Josephus, And The Cessation of Prophecy-In his book, Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger, Catholic apologist Gary Michuta Argues Protestant apologists misuse these words from the Jewish historian Josephus: "It is true, our history hath been written since Artaxerxes very particularly, but hath not been esteemed of the like authority with the former by our forefathers, because there hath not been an exact succession of prophets since that time..."
5/14/07 Checking In With The Other Side Of The Tiber-I regularly visit Roman Catholic blogs and websites to see what the apologists are up to. Here are a few highlights.
Also noteworthy:
Alan Kurschner:
New Book: A Heart for God's Glory (5/30/07)
Pyromaniac Byzantine Scribes Destroying God's Word? Oh My! (5/28/07)
Jeff Downs:
The Deity of Christ (5/24/07)
Convert or Die! (5/16/07)
Mormon History and Jerald (and Sandra) Tanner (5/14/07)
New Perspective on Paul - Introductory Material (5/14/07)

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