I’ve been thinking that I should have a blog entry every now and then entitled, “The Quotable Sippo”, where I let Catholic Apologist Dr. Art Sippo speak for himself (cf. James 3:3-12).
“Swan is another Death Eater ne'er do well. Nothing there of substance.”
Source: Envoy forums, 4/29/07
“Cthulhu is the water-elemental and archdemon in the horror fiction of H.P. Lovecraft. Please note that there is NO relationsip [sic] intended or implied between the Campus Crusade for Christ and the Kampus Krusade for Kthulhu.”
Source: Envoy forums, 4/12/07
“Swan is another Death Eater ne'er do well. Nothing there of substance.”
Source: Envoy forums, 4/29/07
“Cthulhu is the water-elemental and archdemon in the horror fiction of H.P. Lovecraft. Please note that there is NO relationsip [sic] intended or implied between the Campus Crusade for Christ and the Kampus Krusade for Kthulhu.”
Source: Envoy forums, 4/12/07
“…you gotta remember that the people who leaped on the ‘Davinci Code’ band wagon got out several rebuttal books and made a mint. I am sure that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named thought he would get in on the ground floor this time since he missed the boat last time. Well, now he won't need all those old Sears catalogs for the outhouse anymore. He is set for life.”
Source: Envoy forums, 4/28/07
Source: Envoy forums, 4/28/07
Updated quotes:
"The Protestant apologist James Swan has now started a new line on his blog where he quotes me out of context. This is par for the course with ol' Jim whose idea of a "Catholic theologian" was the late Fr. Josef Lortz, a card carrying Nazi who reinterpreted European history through Hitler's eyes and agreed with Uncle Adolph that Martin Luther was a great German (i.e., Anti-Semitic) hero right up there with Himmler, Eichmann, and Heydrich."
"Anti-Catholics like Swan, Webster, Ensweger, Svendsen, Chick, and White constantly preach to the choir. Their fans want to believe their lies and so -- like their forbear Uncle Adolph -- they tell big ones and they tell them often. When challenged about this, they whine and make excuses for themselves, but they cut no one else any slack and descend into personal insults whenever they can."
"I use terms for them like the Kampus Krusade for Kthulhu, and Death Eaters to make a point. They are insulting towards Catholics and other people who do not agree with their narrow religious views. And they do so with a complete lack of charity. When you read what they write you can see that they have no doubts about their own infallibility and will not admit any ambiguity in their position or that the rest of us might have a point."
Source: Envoy forums 5/1/07
"All protestant religions are man-made cults created in defiance of the Church that Jesus founded. They have no authority to speak and cannot bind the conscience of anyone. If they claim otherwise they are blasphemers and idolaters."
"What lies at the heart of all Protestantism is disobedience and rebellion against God. People who speak like this joker are neither intelligent nor honest. They are doing this because they love darkness and hate the light. Furthermore they think that by personally denying what is obviously true, they will somehow deceive God and can therefore continue to live in their sins with no fear. Their comeuppance will be fearsome for they have no excuse."
Source: Envoy forums 4/26/07
haha - He Who Must Not Be Named!
That's funny.
Does he mean Sauron?
Just a reminder in case you forgot: the quote from the Epistle of Barnabas and the one from First Clement both having to do with Calvinism.
Haven't forgotten- just uber-busy.
There is nothing like Art Sippo castigating others for a lack of charity!! Pot, meet kettle...
The link above is a reply to (I assume) Art Sippo & Frank Jerry from their "Catholic Legate" site.
Sippo writes:
"Actually, I am not that skinny anymore and my pects are not that good. But I did use the anvil on He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."
Puh-leeze!!!!! Was it that anvil he used when he chickened out on White a year or two back? Puh-Leeze!!!
Hi Ric,
Excellent reply! :-)
Thanks! :-)
Simon wrote:
>>There is nothing like Art Sippo castigating others for a lack of charity!! Pot, meet kettle...>>
Perhaps it is just me, but I sure see a lot of whining on the part of web apologists (Catholic and Prot) concerning their fellow disputants. One must certainly add James White to the list. As one who has followed the Alpha and Omega blog for a number of years now, it never ceases to amaze me the number of times James begins an opening salvo on a certain individual, and then later complains about a certain lack of charity when he discovers that his target has responded to his “apologetics”. Have I missed something?
Grace and peace,
David Waltz said...
Simon wrote:
>>There is nothing like Art Sippo castigating others for a lack of charity!! Pot, meet kettle...>>
Perhaps it is just me, but I sure see a lot of whining on the part of web apologists (Catholic and Prot) concerning their fellow disputants. One must certainly add James White to the list. As one who has followed the Alpha and Omega blog for a number of years now, it never ceases to amaze me the number of times James begins an opening salvo on a certain individual, and then later complains about a certain lack of charity when he discovers that his target has responded to his “apologetics”. Have I missed something?
Grace and peace,
Yes David, whining does occur on both sides. However I think many of us who have followed Sippo would consider him in a class of his own as far as his behavior is concerned. Many--at least many Protestants--find him enormously condescending, arrogant, and totally lacking in humility. You can see this in the debate he did with James White on justification--the "Lost Debate".
While I disagree with the arguments of other Roman Catholic apologists, they are not nearly as badly behaved as Sippo is.
When you say "James [White] begins an opening salvo on a certain individual", are you sure you are not referring to an opening salvo on the arguments of that individual? I would not equate White's behavior with Sippo's at all. In the interests of fairness though, I'll also name a Protestant apologist whose writings drip with condescension and ad hominem: J.P. Holding (not his real name but his online name) @ Tektonics.
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