Your own compatriots do not agree.
Finally a compendium of veritable, I mean verifiable data which no one can diss, agree with.
“It is indeed true that the name ‘Trinity’ is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man.”[102]
[102] Martin Luther, Complete Sermons of Martin Luther, Vol. 2 (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2000), pp. 406-407.
Chandler, Kegan. The God of Jesus in Light of Christian Dogma (Kindle Locations 940-942). Restoration Fellowship. Kindle Edition.
Finally a compendium of veritable, I mean verifiable data which no one can diss, agree with.
“It is indeed true that the name ‘Trinity’ is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man.”[102]
[102] Martin Luther, Complete Sermons of Martin Luther, Vol. 2 (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2000), pp. 406-407.
Chandler, Kegan. The God of Jesus in Light of Christian Dogma (Kindle Locations 940-942). Restoration Fellowship. Kindle Edition.
Originally posted by nothead
Luther goes on to immediately state:
This word signifies that there are three persons in God. It is a heavenly mystery which the world cannot understand. I have often told you that this, as well as every other article of faith, must not be based upon reason or comparisons, but must be understood and established by means of passages from the Scriptures, for God has the only perfect knowledge and knows how to speak concerning himself.
Elsewhere Luther comments on the inadequacy of the term "Trinity": "The words trinitas, unitas are really mathematical terms. And yet we can't talk about God without using such words. But at the same time, it is also true that when we use human language to speak about God, it seems to have a ring to it, a whole new connotation" [Complete Sermons of Martin Luther Volume 6, pp. 206-207]. "True (Trinity) is not choice German, nor has it a pleasing sound, when we designate God by the word 'Dreifaltigkeit' (nor is the Latin, Trinitas, more elegant): but since we have no better term, we must employee these" [Complete Sermons of Martin Luther Volume 4.2, pp. 7-8].
I'm sure a plentiful supply of similar sentiment from Luther could be brought forth as testimony to the fact he didn't deny the Trinity, and also used the word positively.
Originally posted by James Swan
What is ONE but a SINGULAR mathematical connotation in the ECHAD? I'll echad your trinitas and raise you a deuteronomous theos sir.
Luther thought "trinitas" was more elegant than "drafaltigkeit?" Whoo MOO. They mean the same thing, Luther must be a GENIUS discriminating between the GUTTERAL sounds of German
compared to Latin?
Inadequacy of human language? Did God ever say in Text, the Shema is INADEQUATE sir? WHOO butta BEAVIS says the First Command is INADEQUATE? God being ONE (and not another) is the very MEANING of Shema as described by the scribe Mk 12, "no other one but HE," sir. What you are describing is a JUXTAPOSITION between the entirely ADEQUATE Shema, and the inordinately DEFICIENT "Trinity" sir. And the thoughts that accompany each in turn sir. One set of thoughts sacred and pristine in faith. The odder one philosophical
as a philosopher might ponder.
What is Shema, Lutheran? Does ANY Lutheran know what Shema is sir? YHWH our elohim, YHWH one. You shall love YHWH with all of your heart soul and strength.
Last edited by nothead; 09-14-18, 03:08 AM.
Shema will change the Christian World.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Originally posted by nothead
Originally posted by James Swan
What you have therefore is a SUPPOSED concept in Text WITHOUT a coining term, pertaining to or referencing.
DEMEANING the possibility of that concept even BEING in Text at all, wonderkund. I can chew my kund all day listening to WONDERKUNDS like you sir.
Shema will change the Christian World.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Originally posted by nothead
Originally posted by James Swan
I just said you are DELEGATED to affirming the CONCEPT without any word REFERENCING in Text. What did I say that was false, falsehoodminer?
Shema will change the Christian World.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Originally posted by nothead
09-13-18, 07:53 PM
Your own compatriots do not agree.
Finally a compendium of veritable, I mean verifiable data which no one can diss, agree with.
Luther: "It is indeed true that the name 'Trinity' is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man."
"Therefore we cling to the Scriptures, those passages which testify of the Trinity of God, and we say: I know very well that in God there are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; but how they can be one I do not know, neither should I know it" (Ibid., 410).
So Luther believes the Trinity is clearly stated in the text. This was just one comment from Luther, based on the context you cited. I could provide more.
Does YHWH want you to quote Luther out of context?
Originally posted by James Swan
What you have is a concept without anything to term, as we have today. This both makes the concept itself, more UNLIKELY, and the addition of the TERM Trinity, trinitas, Plokenspurer or ADDITION to Text sir. An ADDITION added to authorial INTENT sir.
Shema will change the Christian World.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Originally posted by nothead
So, YHWH wants you to misquote Luther? What a strange god you worship.
Originally posted by James Swan
We can haggle onnis all day already. You wantoo go'on with you onnis here thingybobber, Swan Song?
Shema will change the Christian World.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Originally posted by nothead
09-15-18, 08:01 AM
This topic by nothead has been deleted by Mod10
rule 12
You stated, "For Those Who Say Trinity is Clearly Stated in Text...Your own compatriots do not agree." You then cited "verifiable data which no one can diss, agree with" which included Luther. I checked your "verifiable data" on Luther, and contrary to your claim, Luther did believe the concept of the Trinity was in the Bible, and could be clearly expounded from the text of scripture. I corrected your error, but instead of taking the correction, you then said, "I am only saying what I think Luther MEANT by the words I quoted." Is YHWH honored when you misquote Luther? Is YHWH honored by pouring your own meaning into his words? Is YHWH honored by calling me, "a low down dirty em...pigeon"? I don't know anything about you or your theology, but I'm not in any way interested in a religious view that allows for falsehood, misrepresentation, and slander. What a strange god you worship..
You stated, "For Those Who Say Trinity is Clearly Stated in Text...Your own compatriots do not agree." You then cited "verifiable data which no one can diss, agree with" which included Luther. I checked your "verifiable data" on Luther, and contrary to your claim, Luther did believe the concept of the Trinity was in the Bible, and could be clearly expounded from the text of scripture. I corrected your error, but instead of taking the correction, you then said, "I am only saying what I think Luther MEANT by the words I quoted." Is YHWH honored when you misquote Luther? Is YHWH honored by pouring your own meaning into his words? Is YHWH honored by calling me, "a low down dirty em...pigeon"? I don't know anything about you or your theology, but I'm not in any way interested in a religious view that allows for falsehood, misrepresentation, and slander. What a strange god you worship..
Last edited by Mod10; 09-15-18, 08:02 AM.
Originally posted by James Swan
Lutherans are trinitarian as we well know.
The point I was making was that even Luther ACKNOWLEDGED the word TRINITY or TRINITAS or TRIPARTITE or anything SIMILAR which COINS or TERMS Trinity by a single word is NOT EXTANT IN TEXT.
I've repeated the same thing three times, and you still don't geddit. NO WONDER we haggle on this here forum until the COWS COME HOME.
Shema will change the Christian World.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Originally posted by nothead
Your post was entitled, "For Those Who Say Trinity is Clearly Stated in Text...". I did not interpret that to mean the mere word "Trinity." If that's really what you meant, please provide a list of people who believe the word "Trinity" is found in the Bible. If there really is someone simple enough out there that believes the word "Trinity" is in the Bible, they should have their Bible taken from them so they don't hurt themselves.
"Clearly Stated" sounds much more like you meant the concept of the Trinity, which means blatantly that you've mis-cited Luther with your cut-and-paste.
Originally posted by James Swan
You are the sushpishush one. I explained to you FOUR times now and you INSIST I said something else?
How about just understanding I said what I said and I'll say it again...TRINITY is NOT IN TEXT. You wantoo say qualified by CONCEPT then FINE.
I say the Word is FACTUALLY not in Text so the CONCEPT HARDLY LIKELY in Text. Know the difference and slow your pie hole down JUST A BIT ST. NICK?
Shema will change the Christian World.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.
Turn it upside down. To where it once was, the POV of JESUS, his DISCIPLES and his SERVANTS.
Know God YHWH Elohim is One. And love Him with all. Mk 12, red letter words.