Alexander Greco
has graced us with an exposition of the worth of the Magisterium.
He apparently can't tell when I am engaging his position on its own grounds. He and Dozie continually attribute the logical conclusions of the Roman position to my own.
Reading this post would do them some good.
Being aware that their understanding of my philosophy was flawed, I began to clarify my philosophy by both narrowly defining certain principles and outright condemning others on an ad hoc basis.Holy Spirit's job, sometimes working thru people, sometimes not.
Surely after I have "Greco's Philosophy for Dummies" published there will still be people who just do not get it; however, there are those who would.Correct. And presumably, one would not find, in a work on Greco's philosophy, absolutely nothing on a topic (say, the Assumption of the BVM or the Immaculate Conc) but go ahead and say it's there anyway, and then have you come and affirm that it really is there.
Or...maybe it WOULD happen like that.
Would I totally eradicate misunderstanding? Of course not! So what you're saying is, it's not the Bible's fault if people misunderstand. Thank you - that is my point exactly.
if he were to do that, then why would he have allowed us to become sinners to begin with?). Maybe b/c He has a perfect plan that you, as a limited human, don't fully understand.
I refuse to let someone get away with the argument-equivalent of putting God in the dock. You don't get to judge His plan. You are to submit to it.
You emphasis the erroneous straw man idea that the individual must know infallibly, or have infallible knowledge in order to have certainty regardless of the amount of clarification given to themActually, that would be you and Dozie who emphasise that very thing.
Have you not considered that certainty can be a gradual process?Sure. But how does that leave a Magisterium-based epistemology in better position than Sola Scrip?
how does this take away from the objective value in an infallible Magisterium?B/c the very grounds you use to criticise Sola Scrip - that people don't understand it, people misinterp it, people end up in disunity, people end up disagreeing - you've just admitted are the case or could be the case for your own position. But have you not considered that certainty can be a gradual process?
Can the Bible actively tell you when you have erroneously derived false doctrines?The Holy Spirit does. This is not that hard, seriously.
you might claim that it could, by reading Scripture within context and exegetically.1) That's part of what the HS uses to bring us into understanding.
2) You have to do that with Magisterial proclamations, the same as the Scr. Yet somehow Magisterial documents are better, more sure, have better communicative ability.
Could the Holy Spirit guided Church actively tell you when you have erroneously derived false doctrines?Happens all the time. What do you think excommunication is for?
What do you think
2 Tim 3:15-17
and the surrounding context are talking about? Or
1 Tim 3:15
, for that matter? An infallible Magisterium is not required to accomplish that!
Yes as evidenced in history.And history also evidences loads of Church screw-ups.
See, on the one hand you say "the Church" will serve as the always-good guide. Yet the Church is made of people, and people, by your own admission, "are complex animals who contain the rational faculty, but due to other factors they do not always make the best use of this faculty". which is it?
Mind you that the Bible is only acting passively, dependent upon you to find the correct meaning.Thank God for providing His Holy Spirit, for not leaving us alone.
You continue to strawman the Sola Scrip position. Is it really that hard to learn?
It cannot stop you and say, “Hey, you are not reading me correctly.”Paul never does that in Romans 6? Mark never does it in Mark 7? The Psalm 119 Psalter didn't think the HS can, thru the Scripture?
You might claim that another believer could stop and correct you. However, you are still left with their possible erroneous beliefs which influence their reading of the text.1) That's one reason why the church is there. God uses means to accomplish His will, you know.
2) If you are reading a Church document in error, you might claim that another believer, even a priest, could stop and correct you. However, you are still left with their possible erroneous beliefs which influence their reading of the text. when's the last time you received direct correspondence from the Magisterium? Could you scan the letter and post it somewhere, in photobucket? What did you ask them? What did they say?
On the other hand, when the Holy Spirit-guided Magisterium steps in to correct you via infallible proclamations, their corrections are infallible (when proclaimed to be)When was the last time an infallible correction was made?
Then, when was it proclaimed to be?
Does the Magisterium ever make fallible proclamations?
How do you know the difference?
How do you know the difference infallibly? If you don't know it infallibly, does it matter whether you know the difference infallibly? What is the difference, if not, between that situation and a believer reading the Scr?
So the Protestant has his fallible teacher and fallible self, and the Catholic has his infallible teacher and fallible self. The Sola Scripturist's teachers are the Scripture and the Holy Spirit.
John 6:45
- "It is written in the prophets, 'AND THEY SHALL ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me."
1 John 2:27
- As for you, the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His anointing teaches you about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him.
Jeremiah 31:34
- "They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them," declares the LORD, "for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more."
The church's job, biblically, is to teach the Scr to believers and call out sin, etc.
The source is infallible. The guide is infallible. The individual teacher is fallible.
Contrast that with the Roman system, on the Roman position.
The Scr is (supposedly) infallible (though that depends on which Romanist you ask).
The Magisterium can be infallible, when it 'wants' to be.
The individual reader of a Magisterial/papal infallible proclamation and/or the priest who teaches it, expounds on it, and answers questions about it to his congregation is fallible.
Tell me again where the advantage is? At least with the Sola Scrip position, we KNOW that the Scr is infallible. We apparently can't know the Scr is infallible, and we certainly can't know when the Magisterium is speaking infallibly, on the Roman position.
(Edits in green, for clarification's sake - see Alexander Greco's first comment)