Saturday, June 19, 2010

And the Lamest of all Romanist Video Awards Goes to....

....envelope please..... the award goes to.... to Roman Catholic apologist John Martignoni for his YouTube video, "Questions Protestants Can’t Answer".

John sent out an e-mail support letter stating:

I’m going to ask a big favor: Could each of you please click on the video multiple times (maybe 10 times each or more)? You don’t have to watch the whole thing each time, but after you’ve watched it once, click on another page, then click back to that page and watch a few seconds of the video and then repeat that process 10 or more times if you would. It will only take a couple of minutes to do that, but by doing so, you’ll help raise the number of hits (my goal is 100,000 hits – seemingly impossible, but no one has ever accused me of thinking small). The more hits these videos get, the more attention they get from folks who might not otherwise view them. So, if you can help out in this regard, it would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if you could email the link to the folks on your email address list and ask them to watch the video, that, too, would be of tremendous help. If you have Protestants on your list, just tell them you saw this “provocative” video and would love to get their opinion of it. You might be able to get some discussions going that way. And if you have any blogs or regularly visit any Catholic chat rooms, please “chat” up the video and give the link. Thanks!

...About 3,000 views so far- let's help John reach his goal of making people think his video is popular and "provocative".

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