Thursday, April 15, 2010

Catholic Nick's Silver Bullet doesn't come with a user manual

Rhology said...
Hi Nick, I'd like to know sthg specific. Given your claim that to your knowledge no one has ever come up with this argument before, why would this not raise a red flag for a RC like you? Why wouldn't the arguments produced by the infallible Magisterium be sufficient for you? If you argue that this is simply an internal critique of Protestantism, I respond in two ways: 1) Why wouldn't the internal critiques produced by the infallible Magisterium be sufficient for you? 2) The Bible matters for RCC too, so it's not only an internal critique if you intend to tell us what the Bible says. Why are you, an anonymous layman blogger, doing the serious job of biblical exegesis? Peace, Rhology

Nick said...
Rhology, Coming up with a new argument against a heresy is perfectly fine. Heresies pop up all the time, even old ones under new forms, thus we'd expect new arguments against them. The only time 'novelty' is to be looked upon with suspicion is when it comes to redefining or introducing new doctrine.

Rhology said...
Coming up with a new argument against a heresy is perfectly fine. I'm not all that interested in your say-so. I'd like some evidence, please. I'd also like you to answer my questions. Thanks!

Nick said...
Rhology, Your comments are not relevant to the topic of this post, I'm not on any sort of trial and don't need to answer your question which are ultimately aimed at taking this discussion off topic (so as to avoid the main arguments) and turning this discussion into a an all too common game of you keep asking endless questions while I invest my time answering (and you having no intention of returning the favor). Question and answer is a two way street. I consider myself pretty well read in terms of Catholic theology and practice, and I can say with a clear conscience I'm not going against any Church teaching in what I've said. If I am, and you know about it, it's your duty to point it out. Otherwise, I have no reason to do your homework for you.

Rhology said...
I consider myself pretty well read in terms of Catholic theology and practice Wow, and I'm really happy for you. Unfortunately, that doesn't tell me anything about my questions. If you think I'm only interested in asking questions, you haven't read any of my blog writings. Sad to see you won't answer simple questions. In my experience, it's usually b/c you can't. See you. Peace, Rhology

Nick said...
Rhology, One of the Decrees of the Second Vatican Council is APOSTOLICAM ACTUOSITATEM*, a decree focused on the life and place of the layman in the Church, here is some of what it said: "Since, in our own times, new problems are arising and very serious errors are circulating which tend to undermine the foundations of religion, the moral order, and human society itself, this sacred synod earnestly exhorts laymen-each according to his own gifts of intelligence and learning-to be more diligent in doing what they can to explain, defend, and properly apply Christian principles to the problems of our era in accordance with the mind of the Church." *

Rhology said...
I don't see how that answers the question.

Nick said...
There is no satisfying you, and I'm not spending anymore time with *your* agenda, especially when this combox is for an entirely different subject. Rather than have this combox flooded with anymore of that type of posts, I'll likely be deleting them if they show up. Lastly, I'm not afraid of you and my apologetics abilities are far superior to yours. Based on our interactions of the past, and examining what your work elsewhere, you'd be crushed in a written debate against me. My work on the blog and my webpage are open for all to see, if there's anything you think you can expose, go ahead and try. I invite any challenge to any of my work.

Rhology said...
Based on our interactions of the past, and examining what your work elsewhere, you'd be crushed in a written debate against me. Tee hee, you must not've read any canon law on the topic of humility this week. Thanks for not answering. Have a good one.


James Bellisario said...
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James Bellisario said...

'd love to see a written debate. Why don't you put your money where you big mouth is?

Rhology said...

Just did one, actually. I can't commit to a debate at this time in my life. It IS funny to see how selectively you assign your insulting labels, tho.

Nick said...

I just finished a new Sola Scriptura article:

So regardless of how 'bad' you think the Catholic system is, the Protestant still has to answer for their own claims. I don't need to engage you in debate because what I'd say in the debate would be repeating what I've already posted.