Sunday, September 02, 2007

And Welcome....

I’ve asked a few folks to join me here at Beggars All. My schedule now will be a bit intense until 2008.

The first to climb aboard is John Mark. I’ve known Mark for quite a few years now. We originally met back on the CARM discussion boards. He’s been a good cyber-friend over the years. He probably doesn’t realize this, but he was one of the only people who would ever actually chat with me over on Prosapologian when I first started stopping by. I’ve read his blog for years, and he was actually instrumental (unbeknownst to him) in getting me interested in doing my own blog. He is a solid Christian man, well grounded in the truth, and has been a blessing to me.

He also runs his own blog, Sweet Tea and Theology. He puts forth excellent entries on Reformed issues (an area I generally don’t get a chance to get into). In fact, I’m thankful to actually veer away from Roman Catholicism at times (I never planned on spending so much time with Roman Catholicism), so John Mark’s contributions, on whatever issues and topics he chooses, will indeed be refreshing.

1 comment:

Mark said...


Thanks for those undeserved words of encouragement. I've always appreciated your contributions to CARM in the old days. I appreciate your contributions even more so today through this blog and the AOMin blog. You're insights and research are a great blessing to our faith and defending it.

I will contribute as I can as I am also in school working on something for my career.

Thanks for the invite!