
Friday, November 02, 2012

R.C. Sproul’s Luther and the Reformation, Free Downloads

I missed a lot this past week due to Hurricane Sandy. Nathan Bingham has posted free downloads to audio and video of R.C. Sproul's Luther and the Reformation. Thanks Nathan! I've probably mentioned this before, but I was more or less introduced to the importance of the Reformation through Dr. Sproul's materials many years ago now. I would assume such is the case for many folks that came out of broad Arminian evangelicalism into a confessional church.

Dr. Sproul is Reformed, but this doesn't mean my Lutheran and Roman Catholic friends wouldn't benefit from these free lectures. Even if you don't agree with Dr. Sproul on everything, learn how to sift. That is, interact with the materials by sifting the stuff out you think is helpful as opposed to the stuff you disagree with.  I do this all the time with Reformation materials.


  1. James,

    Thanks for this. I, for one, will be interested to check this out.

    Wondering if you might be interested in checking out my recent series on "The coming vindication of Martin Luther". I'd love to get your reaction:

    Long live the [very conservative] Reformation!


  2. Hi, James. Sorry, but I don't see a link to the free to download material. Am I missing it?

  3. "Nathan Bingham has posted free downloads to audio and video of R.C. Sproul's Luther and the Reformation. "

    Click on the bolded part in my entry: " R.C. Sproul's Luther and the Reformation."

  4. Ah, it looks like Ligonier took down the material.

  5. I guess it was just supposed to be for Reformation day.

    I'm glad I got them this morning.

    Thanks again James.



You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"