
Friday, November 02, 2012

Our Daily Crumb

A close family relative reads Our Daily Bread. Here's a curious inference that I was asked about in regard to the October 24 entry, Eloquent, Yet Humble. "Did Apollos know about the death and resurrection of Jesus?"  The entry states,
"Apollos knew about Jesus’ teachings but may not have known about His death and resurrection and that the Spirit had now come (Acts 2). His teaching was incomplete because he didn’t know about being filled with the Spirit for daily empowerment."
Now the main information we have on Apollos comes from Acts 18. I realize that based on the Biblical information available, certain inferences can be made about Apollos... but I can't understand how someone could infer, "Apollos knew about Jesus’ teachings but may not have known about His death and resurrection..."  Odd. Watch your inferences!


  1. Well, I am not a big fan of the Daily Bread but I also have a close relative who reads it who thinks you may have taken that quote out of context. So I went back and read that specific article and it does seem that you have. Because in the next paragraph it mentions "So Priscilla and Aquilla, a wife and husband who were friends of Paul, invited Apollos into their home to correct his teaching."

    So, it would seem to be saying that Apollos may not have known about His death and resurrection BEFORE they told him about it. I dont think its unreasonable to think that he did not know about Jesus' death and resurrection before being taught about it. The ESV study bible states "He certainly knew about Jesus' life and teachings, but he may not have know about Jesus' death and resurrection"

  2. Acts 18 does seem to imply that. Verse 25 says that he was only acquainted with the baptism of John (I'm assuming that means John's baptism of Jesus).

  3. Folks-

    There's nothing to suggest, one way or the other, that Apollos either knew about, or did not know about the death and resurrection of Jesus.
    That's all I'm saying, to watch what inferences we make from the biblical text.


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"