
Monday, February 13, 2017

Thank You For Visiting!

Sometime today, this blog will have had over two million page views. I do realize there are other blogs and websites that have easily surpassed this milestone in a much quicker time.  Considering though what the subject matter here typically is, this statistic is amazing. Considering that blogs have been replaced by Facebook and Twitter, this statistic is amazing. Considering that I've never really advertised and I don't sell anything,  this statistic is amazing.

I've appreciated meeting so many of you over the years, and I'm grateful that folks stop by to read the posts.



  1. Seriously, we all need to thank you for providing this much-needed resource! And free, to boot! Your blog is one I classify as scholarly, based on your ability to reach back into the old, obscure texts, to delve into the footnotes, to find truth. Have you ever considered compiling some of your key posts into a book? "The True Luther," or something like that? "Dispelling the myths" as a subtitle?

    Keep up the good work and thank you for this blog. I've only recently stumbled across it, but now I visit several times a week.

  2. Thanks for all of your research and writings, James!

  3. Much appreciated. But maybe you should get a web cite rather than relying on the Wayback machine for works such as

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"