
Friday, March 29, 2013

Roman Convert Needs a Job....

I recently listened to this conversion story, and the talk ended with this short statement (mp3).  Now in this economy, I certainly feel bad for anyone not employed, even those people I may have theological differences with.


1. I simply don't understand what the point of having a teaching magisterium is and a priesthood if  a guy simply wants to "do as a Catholic something similar to what I've done as a Protestant minister for so many years, namely, stand up in front of people with a Bible in my hands and just make complicated stuff understandable." Rome is supposed to make God and the Church understandable. Now, we've got people who want to interpret the interpreter.

2. As a Roman apologist, one needs to carry more than a Bible up front. One should probably bring as many infallible decrees one can find, a good edition of Canon law, the Catechism, and it wouldn't hurt to bring a lot of papal encyclicals. I'd say carry "Sacred Tradition" as well, but that's a bit like bringing Bigfoot along.


  1. !

    Very true.

    I guess laptops and flash drives could substitute for carrying around various canons and papal decrees.

  2. I really don't understand how someone can convert to roman Catholicism.

    For sure reading the Bible will not convert you in catholic and if you read the church fathers the only agreement between them is that they are in disagreement in a lot of topics.

  3. I really don't understand how someone can convert to roman Catholicism.

    "Converting" is a lot like falling in love. That is, the heart wants, what the heart wants.


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"