
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Would You Like to be Insulted by Luther?

I was recently sent over this link below (ht: Matthew).

Do you think you've got what it takes to stand being insulted by the great Reformer? Click on the link below and find out!

Also of interest, the Shakespearean Insulter.


  1. I guess if Luther were to see me with my two or three books from Zwingli... Well, then again, I do have a book of Eck's as well.

  2. Yes, James, what would he say?

  3. The thing is that this vehemence was not uncommon and even cultured Sir Thomas More indulged in it, not to mention that he actually had people sentenced to death. All this in spite of how much it made Melanchthon cringe, at times. Sometimes the truth hurts.

    Or my dialectitian friend likes to say: it's not the truth if it doesn't hurt. (Of course, he'd love for us to debate that; the more vigorously the better.)

  4. Sir Thomas More indulged in it, not to mention that he actually had people sentenced to death

    Hmm, I recall looking into this a while back, I vaguely remember it not being true, but i'd have to go verify that.

    I recently re-watched the movie Elizabeth, and if even 20% of the movie is correct, it was a violent century.

  5. Really, about Sir Thomas More? He did it in the Tudor series! :)

  6. My apologies- what I had in mind is the alleged torture of heretics that More is said to have engaged in.

    Currently in front of me is the book,
    W.E. Campbell's Erasmus, Tyndale, and More. He includes a brief account of the charges that More had flogged people for heresy (208-209). Campbell says the charge is spurious.

    Funny thing about this book-I found this book in a furniture store some years ago. It was put out as a book in a displayed bookcase.

  7. And while not a source i would in any way recommend, Wiki states:

    "In total there were six burned at the stake for heresy during More's Chancellorship: Thomas Hitton, Thomas Bilney, Richard Bayfield, John Tewkesbery, Thomas Dusgate, and James Bainham.[6]:299–306 More's influential role in the burning of Tyndale is reported by Moynahan [19]. Burning at the stake had long been a standard punishment for heresy—about thirty burnings had taken place in the century before More's elevation to Chancellor, and burning continued to be used by both Catholics as well as Protestants during the religious upheaval of the following decades.[20] Ackroyd notes that More explicitly "approved of Burning"[6]:298 After the case of John Tewkesbury, a London leather-seller found guilty by More of harbouring banned books and sentenced to burning for refusing to recant, More declared: he "burned as there was neuer wretche I wene better worthy."[21]"

    Well, that's indeed the 16th Century.


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"