
Friday, May 27, 2011

Latest From Rome, etc.

Pontiff Notes Mary's Help in Believing-VATICAN CITY, MAY 25, 2011 ( Noting Tuesday's feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, Benedict XVI is affirming that Mary helps build up faith in Christ.

John Paul II Statue: Honor or Betrayal?
One Work's Failure, Another's Success

Was Joseph permitted to kiss Mary and vice versa?

Let's empty Purgatory


  1. Benedict XVI is affirming that Mary helps build up faith in Christ

    This is blasphemous, it is the HS who builds the faith of Christians.

    This pope should repent.


  2. Yes, while we're fighting with Roman Catholics over authority and gospel in a scholarly manner, we (or at least I), can overlook the way Romanism plays out in actuality.

    Thanks guys for checking out the links.


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"