
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dutch Camping

I fell asleep last night watching this live feed from a Campingite. I woke up around 7:00 AM, and he was still going, taking live calls. At around 1 AM he was very certain about time zones and earthquakes, at 7 AM he was not. Now he says we're on "Jerusalem time." This guy is very weak on Camping Mathematics, by the way.  He appears to simply have accepted that Camping's crypto-math is correct. Now they simply have pointed their live camera at one of their videos. Break time? Well, he was on all night.

Here are some psychological musings I found interesting, particularly since I know a little bit about the Dutch:

"Camping describes his father as a good church man with whom he got along fine. Discipline was very strict and legalistic. He had a strict Dutch upbringing. When Camping was asked if his father ever told him "I love You" he responded by saying his family did not readily show their emotions, was completely aware of his parent's love for their children. He describes his childhood as happy."

"After personally interviewing Camping, listening to his teachings, and reading his books, I have come to the following conclusions.

Camping's very strict and legalistic Dutch upbringing has had a profound affect on his life. This strictness, which lacked outward loving affection, has produced a vacuum of love that was filled with legalism where love is based on works, and on how well one performs. Perfection is the goal that is set forth, and Camping has worked hard to achieve it. A proof of one's election is his successful godly works. Being the second born there was a great need to prove himself to his father and mother and to out do his older brother. At age five he was in the first grade. At age 16 he graduated from High School. At age 20 he graduated with a Bachelor of Science from the University of California at Berkeley This driving compulsion to achieve was carried over into his construction business that he started, which later became very successful. Finally, at age 35 this compulsion was applied to the study of the Bible which led to a very successful religious broadcasting network, Family Stations Inc. with over 39 stations, and 14 short wave stations."


  1. I fell asleep last night watching this live feed from a Campingite.

    Worried? :)

    Glad it is all over now. We'll have to deal with the repercussions unfortunately.

  2. The live feed went down, just before Jerusalem time.

    Worried? Nah.


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"