
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Does Harold Camping Still Believe Salvation is Possible?

Does Harold Camping still believe salvation is possible? Here's a short clip from last night's Open Forum. He's not sure yet. Give him a few days, he'll come up with something...

This pro-Camping website has gone through some significant changes (compare with an old version). Also, the old link to Family Radio's judgment day web page has finally been raptured, and it now displays the new page. for a while there were two home pages for Family Radio.


  1. I was wondering about this. He says that judgment is over and so there's no way to be saved now, but he also said he's going to keep the money given to him because it was given to him to get the gospel message out and he's going to use it to that purpose - getting the gospel message out. It seems like he should have to give it back, if they're going to stop proclaiming the gospel.

  2. It's still is in the process of being worked out by Mr. Camping. His bottom line appears to be, one doesn't know who the saved are exactly, so Camping's "true believers" need to keep praying for their relatives, friends, etc.


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"