
Monday, May 23, 2011

Camping Sets New Date for the End of the World

October 21, 2011.

I've got Camping on now. It's pathetic. I'm recording it, and the mp3 will be available tonight.

Update: The mp3 of tonight's Open Forum can be found here.


  1. I don't get it. If no one can be saved anymore, what is the purpose of Family Radio's continued existence? It had always been, prior to this, a means of evangelizing. I guess its new purpose is to numb the true believers (Campingites--no others need apply) into passive acquiescence with some mighty bad music.

  2. James, thanks for the great coverage of the Camping debacle! It's been very thorough!

  3. I don't get it. If no one can be saved anymore, what is the purpose of Family Radio's continued existence?

    To support and encourage true believers.

  4. James, thanks for the great coverage of the Camping debacle! It's been very thorough!

    Thanks. Because I've had Camping in my life since I can remember, the whole thing facinates me. I've never cared for him, but others I've known have. So in some ways, this has been personal for me.

  5. It is very painful and laborious to listen to this guy; I am only about 28 minutes into this "press conference", etc.

    He seems to be saying that no church today teaches the doctrine of inerrancy of the Scriptures.

    Thanks for linking to it and all the work you did, James.

    I never really knew much about this guy until recently, the last couple of years through Dr. White's warnings and debates with him; although I had heard about him in 1988, at the same time that another guy, Whisnet predicted the rapture, then again in the 1994? book of Camping's.

  6. Harold Camping:

    "we're always learning, always learning"

    reminds me of 2 Timothy 3:7 - "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth."

  7. The invisible rapture:

    Instead of disappearing and being changed in the twinkling of an eye, Camping changed the way he sees his invincible date, or doesn't, as he said yesterday that he now understands that Saturday was an "invisible" judgment day (what' the number for invisible?) yet the final destruction of the world will still occur on October 21st. Of course, unlike the real judgment day, that too is subject to change, as calculations contrive.

    Fropm - :

    We've always said October 21 was the day," Camping said during his show. "The only thing we didn't understand was the spirituality of May 21. We're seeing this as a spiritual thing happening rather than a physical thing happening. The timing, the structure, the proofs, none of that has changed at all."

    But this time, Camping isn't going to be campaigning for donations and encouraging warnings. He says God's judgment was completed on Saturday so there's no reason to continue warning people. His Family Radio network will now just play Christian music and regular programs from now until October 21.

    "We're not going to be passing out tracts," Camping said. "We're not going to put up any more billboards. We're not going to be advertising in any way. The world has been warned. We did our little share and the media picked it up. But now the world has been told, it's under judgment."
    The prediction that May 21 fulfilled is that "of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." (Acts 20:30)


  9. His Family Radio network will now just play Christian music and regular programs from now until October 21.

    Well, I hope Family Radio TV, which I get on my cable system, will still be playing the Beverly Hillbillies.

  10. ...(what'[s] the number for invisible?)

    Ha! Good point, there, PBJ.

    Wow, invisible, eh? A physical event that happens in real time, where no one can actually perceive it happening, and where no change in the environment, or things within the environment, or persons in the environment can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.

    Transubstantiation anyone?

  11. Remember though, numbers are already invisible. They are concepts, differing from things like trees and rocks.

  12. Transubstantiation anyone?

    Indeed! The fact that every physical miracle the Lord did produced tangible changes, from the water turned wine to lepers made whole, among many other reasons, testifies against transubstantiation.

  13. According to Camping, numbers are words.

  14. Turretinfan said...
    According to Camping, numbers are words.

    Figures. I'd like to see his statement on this to see how befuddled he actually is.

    Words of course, are ostensive descriptions of reality (both material and immaterial), so Camping still has the same problem.

  15. transubstantiation

    transubstantiation of course is a much later development for Romanism (preaching to the choir here).

  16. Of course. Peter simply said, OK, eat Jesus body and drink His blood, not problem, but just don't tell me to let Jesus wash my feet or eat pork. That's something to protest.

    But transubstantiation is what David must have been referring to when he said the water gotten at the peril of his men's lives was their blood. Then there is Jeremiah eating God's words, and doing the Father's will being meat for Jesus, as were the Canaanites for Israel. Etc.

    BTW, of what use is an infallible authority if your own understanding of it, and of whether it an infallible decree, or which parts of it, is infallible?

  17. BTW, of what use is an infallible authority if your own understanding of it, and of whether it an infallible decree, or which parts of it, is infallible?

    i've raised this issue before, both here and on aomin. Here's one, there are others:


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"