
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to all

On behalf of all of the folks here at Beggars All, I'd like to extend our thanks to you, our readers, who give us the best reason of all to write. With just a few exceptions, we're blessed by your input and your feedback. Thanks for staying with us.

At a personal level, I'd like to thank my co-bloggers, from whom I've learned so much. Carrie, I still consult your works on Trent. Mark, thanks for your friendship; best of luck to you as you move through Seminary. Their names are listed on the roll but their lives don't at the moment permit them to contribute. For those who don't know, Ken is a missionary who risks his life for Christ on a fairly constant and regular basis. Your devotion to Christ, your passion for knowledge, and your knowledge of languages amazes and blesses me.

Matthew and Alan, you are among "the best of the best of the best," and I can't thank you enough for the help and encouragement you've provided to me behind the scenes. I pray you Godspeed in all of your future plans. You will change the world. And James, thank you for the invitation to be here, which has changed my life. Your ability to perceive dishonesty, wherever it is found, your love for the truth, and your propensity for doing the hard research work needed to set things aright, are going to bring the spirit of the Protestant Reformation to a generation of believers who never had any idea that all of this happened.

Soli Deo Gloria!


  1. I'm thankful to you, John, and the rest of the contributors and commenters on this blog too.

    Have a Blessed and Wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Thanks to you John for all your hard labor and steadfast defense of the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints!

    Soli Deo Gloria!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving John. Your posts here and on your blog have been such a blessing to me. We were both devout Roman Catholics when by the Grace of God the Holy Spirit worked in both our lives to show us the truth. May God continue and lead you in your holy calling of exposing Roman falsehood and error.

  4. And a blessed Thanksgiving to you too, John, and to all at Beggars All, part of my daily feeding!


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"