
Monday, September 10, 2007

And Welcome...Continued

I’ve asked a few folks to join me here at Beggars All. My schedule now will be a bit intense until 2008.

Rhology has come aboard. I first found him over on NTRmin's Areopagus, and he also has his own blog Rhoblogy. I've read his blog and NTRmin posts for a while, and I've appreciated his ability to discuss issues with insight, clarity, and charity. It makes perfect sense to me that he has been called to be a missionary.

"We were formerly tentmaker missionaries in Japan. Now we live in the Midwest and wait and hope for the next chance to live overseas. We love Jesus, foreign languages, foreign food, foreign people, and being foreign ourselves. "



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I've appreciated his ability to discuss issues with insight, clarity, and charity.

    Is that why he won't answer my question?

    according to your belief, what determines what is scriptural?
    Who can determine and discerne such, with an impeccable assurity to ensure infallibility of the scriptures?

  3. You might try dealing with such things at the thread on the subject.


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"