
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Churchmouse On The Air

My good cyber-friend Ray (aka "Churchmouse") made it on to this past Wednesday's Iron Sharpens Iron program to ask Catholic apologist Gerry Matatics a question. The next day, he sent an e-mail question to Iron Sharpens Iron which was read on the air (to which James White responded). I pulled both clips from the show, spliced them together as an MP3 file: Churchmouse On The Air.

Ray has been a good friend for many years now. He has his own blog, A Churchmouse's Musings. He has also contributed articles to this blog:

Guest Blog:Did Jerome Change His Mind on the Apocrypha ?


  1. James,

    Churchmouse knows the issues well given his Roman Catholic past.

  2. That is right, Ray's question should be well taken. Matatic's reply is again and as usual amongst RCs the equivocation on the concept "church". His reply is not even scriptural for the church may have in it people who are hypocrites - false teachers etc, the NT was written because of this possibility and was written to warn believers.

    What Matatics is saying is that the True RC is the Sedevacantist church, and ahem, they are as Protestant as us when they protest!

    James White' suggestion of Matatics debating Keating, Hahn or whoever of those modern apologists might be is a very good idea.


  3. Wow, that Matatics can talk!

    Great question by Ray.

  4. Cruz, that would be an interesting thing, I'd love to see him in debate with Keating, or Hahn, or perhaps to tear Pacwa to shreds. However, I think it most interesting that White illustrated Matatics' point there in part two of the discussion on the issue of past teachings and the new ones, and the contradictions, even though I do disagree with his theology, and contest his view of the Father's beliefs.


You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"